Saturday, March 4, 2017

Becoming a Foster Auntie.

 I am going to provide short-term foster care for some children.

Below are a bunch of the details, if you are interested.
Many of you have asked how you can support me during this time, and that is at the end.

I will be caring for four children. Two girls (2nd and 3rd grade) attendMeiridian Park, the school where I work.
They have little brothers, ages 3 & 4. Yes, they are potty-trained.

When the state took guardianship of the children, their mom chose to leave the house so the kids wouldn't have to go into foster care. A family member has been caring for them, but can no longer do that. When I heard they might have to go into a foster home for the rest of the school year, I had a not if there's anything I can do about it  moment and suggested that I move into the house until the end of the school year or until their mom is allowed to return home whichever comes first.

My goal in doing this is for the girls to stay at Meridian Park with as little disruption to their lives as possible for the rest of the school year. 
If they have to go to foster care after school ends, I won't like it, but I will move back home.

I am what's called a "Suitable Adult Caregiver," (something like that) which means I am known/trusted by the kids and have passed a criminal background check/fingerprinting. 

Their parents have visitation rights and I will supervise those. Their mom comes by and makes dinner and puts them to bed a few nights a week.I have a good relationship with their mom.

Their house is 17 miles away from the school they attend, where I work (long story)
The part I am most nervous about is being away from Barbara and my home and garden, and getting us all where we need to go in the mornings. Because mornings. 
But I think I can rise to the occasion. And I have asked for grace and patience on the part of my colleagues.

I will spend my first night there March 12.

Support needs I anticipate:
  • Please stay in touch so I don't feel isolated
  • Please come visit or meet me and the children at a park so I don't feel isolated.
  • Shop for and deliver groceries to me. 
  • Provide meals at least at first. I'm not sure how one cooks with young children around. I will go whole omnivore during this time for simplicity.
Many people have made kind comments of admiration about my doing this. I like that. Please don't stop 😏. 
However, I'm acutely aware of my shortcomings and have been thinking a lot about what it means to do what we can with what we are given. I plan to write more about that. Probably after this adventure is over.
Part of why this seems do-able right now is because all my main people are stable and healthy right now.  Barbara's parents and my parents have been gone for years. I have more to give than my life has needed.
Thanks for reading.

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