Monday, February 21, 2011

Joining In

The stereo had to die before we'd get a new system, so twenty years after CD players hit the market, we bought one. Shortly afterward, iPods made their appearance, rendering our shiny new CD player close to obsolete.
Since I buy many of my clothes used, I am typically 2-5 years behind in fashion, but it works for me.
It follows that I wouldn't start a blog until the market was thoroughly saturated, everyone else had begun tweeting and blogs were on their way to becoming passe.
At least I'm consistent.
And a smidgen obsessed with wanting my actions to feel congruent with my values and beliefs. Until now I couldn't view my own incipient blogging as anything other than a plug for attention.
Not that attention's a bad thing. It's just that we have some history, Ms. Attention and I. Baggage if you will.
I had to introspect about this for a long time..
Today I finally understood; my best experiences with writing have been when I had something to say from my heart on a topic that was important to me. They weren't about getting attention or boosting my ego.
Sheesh. So simple. But isn't that true of most of the important lessons we learn? We can't rush them no matter how obvious they seem. Plus, they often sound like cheesy self-help platitudes. But to the person experiencing them, they can have great depth and value
In my little corner of the blogosphere, I'll write a lot about personal growth- 100% free of ego-enhancing-additives! (Okay, maybe 97%. On a good day.) My hope is that my words will be of use to a reader now and then.

Do you have someone in your life who likes to tell you how to do things, whether you want them to or not? Stay tuned for my next blog post, because I have six words that are just waiting to change your life!


  1. Welcome to the party, Annie. Can't wait to see what comes next. ~Jet

  2. Thanks, Jet. So far it's a fun party, with no awkward silences.

  3. I second the welcome, Annie. Looking forward to your words of wisdome and whimsy, whichever you choose...when you choose it.

  4. And I second Julie's words, especially two of them——wisdom and whimsy——because we know we'll get both from you, and that's the best way to go (and grow)!

  5. What a wonderful welcome post, Annie! Your sense of humor is such a breath of fresh air.

  6. Thanks Julie, Deb, and Helen. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun out here in BlogLand.
